Attention to Audience |
Did not attempt to engage audience.
Little attempt to engage audience
Engaged audience and held their attention most of the time by remaining on topic and presenting facts with enthusiasm
Engaged audience and held their attention throughout with creative articulation, enthusiasm, and clearly focused presentation
Clarity |
No apparent logical order of presentation, unclear focus.
Content is loosely connected, transitions lack clarity.
Sequence of information is well-organized for the most part, but more clarity with transitions is needed.
Development of thesis is clear through use of specific and appropriate examples; transitions are clear and create a
succinct and even flow.
Content |
Thesis is unclear and information appears randomly chosen.
Thesis is clear, but supporting information is disconnected.
Information relates to a clear thesis; many relevant points, but they are somewhat unstructured.
Exceptional use of material that clearly relates to a focused thesis; abundance of various supported materials.
Creativity |
Delivery is repetitive with little or no variety in presentation techniques.
Material presented with little interpretation or originality.
Some apparent originality displayed through use of original interpretation of presented materials.
Exceptional originality of presented material and interpretation.
Speaking Skills |
Monotone; speaker seemed uninterested in material.
Little eye contact; fast speaking rate, little expression, mumbling.
Clear articulation of ideas, but apparently lacks confidence with material.
Exceptional confidence with material displayed through poise, clear articulation, eye contact, and enthusiasm.