Golden Rice
But GMOs are good for people?
With your lab partner, brainstorm the good and biased aspects of the following National Public Radio (NPR) report.
Document your discussion on a Know-What I want to Know-What I learned (KWL) chart.
NPR Radio Report
Golden Rice (March 7, 2013)
Listen to the story on Golden Rice from NPR. Take notes and comment in your reflection notebook.
Read along article for Golden Rice.
As with the last lesson, we know you may feel passionate about your position.
During in class discussions, you must respectfully present your material and ideas. The rule is to display considerate critiques of the views of others. You must disagree without being disagreeable. See the classroom rules.
Individuals may not like Golden Rice. Their perception of the color it is different, and it they may think that I it is not the same. If the rice is part of a government, or not government organization (NGO), should people be made to consume golden rice?
Their daily food diet may lack an important vitamin – Vitamin A. Golden rice is a fortified food product. It is good for them.
One person in the report stated that golden rice could undermine other food programs. What do you think of this argument?
Include your reflection in your poster presentation.
Advanced Studies
It might be helpful to explain your findings to another student or adult. Look up how to conduct a survey online.
Complete your Bioethical Issues poster. The poster work is due by the end of the week.
Your poster will address some of the following questions as well as those raised by the issues surrounding Golden Rice.
What are bioethical issues, and who owns genes?
What are the serious ethical issues regarding stem cell research?
Are there concerns about cloning plants and animals?
What do we say about human cloning?
What about human reproductive choices?
Is it appropriate to allow individuals the right to choose the sex of their children, or to select any other desired attributes?
Are there any apprehensions about GMOs?
Why is there an issue concerning the possibility the GMO plants may aggressively effect native organisms?
Traditionally, farmers have saved seeds. GMO seeds, or plants, last one growing cycle. Is that fair to the farmer who does not buy the GMO seed?
What about human, or other growth, hormones concern you?
Are there other issues, or concerns, that you have? These could be that we shouldn't regulate certain GMOs. GMOs could go a long way toward eradicating hunger.
Finished Early...
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic biology represents the use of molecular biology and chemistry to create new simulated food or food additives. The promise of synthetic biology includes the production of skin, blood, or insulin, among others. Read the following articles and reports.
Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to the class, or science fair.
For Teachers...
The information in these reports is for teachers. The teacher may decide not to make them available to students.