Where you at?
With all apologies to the old cellular phone company, maps help us understand many things about the world in which we live. This lesson is about more than road maps. We will examine the key elements of maps and models of the earth. Oh, yeah — add the proper heading to the assignment.
Let's get the party started
Get a piece of paper. Follow along as we take a trip around the world of maps.
The word globe has many meanings. One is the actual physical earth. Look at the Big Blue Marble.
There are several systems on the last page. Did you name them?
There are continents, oceans, landforms. Look closer.
What did you see? Put your answers on your answer sheet.
A map is a model. Another model is a globe. It looks like the one on your teacher's bookshelf. What are the key physical features on a a globe?
Just like in a movie theater, they make maps with a projection.
Which one do you like? On your answer sheet list a benefit and a drawback of 4 projection. Examine how they make map projections. Look up unknown words on Dictionary.com.
Maps tell us about several things in the world such as landforms, population, and natural resources. Several of the maps in the text displays information about biomes and topographic maps. We will dive deeper into the world of biomes.
Guess and check your answer to the following questions:
Does it snow in the desert? Deserts
How many different type of grass lands are there? Grass Lands
Name two categories of rain forests? Rain Forests
Maps an Graphs
When you have completed the exercise, talk to coach or teacher. Check out this video that ties globes, mapping, and graphs together.
Video downloaded from United Learning (1993) from United Streaming: http://www.unitedstreaming.com/.