First Law of Motion

An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.


What forces cause an object to move or to stop moving?

What is Net Force?

A thrown ball moves in a horizontal direction. The force of gravity pulls it downward toward the ground. We call this Projectile Motion.

One "Newton" is the amount of force needed to cause a 1-kg mass to accelerate at a rate of 1 meter per second for each second of motion.

N = 1 kg X (1m/Sec2)

They say an object at rest to have 0 net force. An object that has force applied to it will move in the direction of the force. Recall velocity is the speed and direction of an object.


Download the lesson inquiry

Lesson Inquiry

Review the following information and take the quiz.

Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's Laws of Motion

What Causes or Reduces Friction?



Read through this exercise and list your predictions on the lesson inquiry.

Newton's 1st law in action --

Place a toy car on your desk. Did the car move?

Give the car slight push from behind. Did the car fall off the edge of table? What changed?

When a softball and a baseball on the edge of your desk, which object will hit the ground first? What do you think caused the results?

Dinner plates stay in place when a magician pulls a tablecloth from under the stack of plates? Why?

List the categories of friction on the lesson inquiry. Share your examples with your lab partner.

Orville and Wilbur Wright explaining how Newton's Laws of Motion from

Done Early...

Find and describe the material used to reduce friction on the U.S. Space Shuttle.

Is it important to reduce friction on a space vehicle? What does Space X do to reduce friction on the SpaceX Dragon Rocket? Write it up.

Shuttle Tiles