Second Law of Motion

Photo by Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash

The net force on an object equals its mass times its acceleration.


Once they are in motion, which is easier to stop, a bowling ball or a marble?

What is the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration?

Accelerated motion accounts for the fact that if two skate boarders use the same force to fall down a ramp, the one with less mass accelerates faster than the one with more mass. Remember, mass is not the same as weight.

A car with more mass requires a larger force to accelerate than one with less mass.

Does a Ford Explorer require more force to accelerate at the same rate as a Honda Accord?

Newton's second law of motion is expressed by the formulae:

force = mass X acceleration

acceleration = force/mass

Changing your momentum...

Momentum changes with changes in mass or velocity.

Momentum is expressed by the formula:

force = mass X acceleration


Download the lesson inquiry:

Lesson Inquiry

Review the following information and take the quiz.

Newton's Laws of Motion



Read through this exercise and list your predictions on the lesson inquiry.

Newton's 2nd Law in action

Download a Lab Write-up Template.

Complete the Rocket Lab.

Debrief the lab results with your class or e-mail a debrief to your instructor or parent.

What surprised you?

Which balloon traveled the fastest (small, medium, or Large)?


If, all or part of, the experiment failed what happened?

What connections can be made with airplanes or rocket engines?

Done Early...

Develop a model to illustrate the force needed to keep an object moving in a circle (A bicycle wheel?).